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Food | What snacks are good to bring on Tour du Mont Blanc?

The Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) hiking route is unanimously recognized by mountain enthusiasts as one of the world's top ten classic hiking trails and has been listed by National Geographic as one of the 20 dream trails globally. The complete circuit around Mont Blanc spans a total of 160 kilometers, making thorough preparation crucial before embarking on this journey.

Today, let's talk about snacks for the hike. Selecting appropriate snacks is essential when setting out on a hiking trip. You might find yourself deliberating over which snacks are the most suitable. Don't worry, this guide has you covered.

Why you need hiking snacks

While you might not indulge in snacks much at home, maintaining energy becomes particularly crucial during hiking. Bringing along appropriate snacks can help you stay energized, ward off fatigue, and hunger. During a hike, besides an adequate supply of water, choosing snacks that are both delicious and provide energy is essential. While everyone's taste varies, the goal is to find snacks that are both tasty and nutritious. The key factors to consider are their nutritional value, ease of portability, and shelf life.

How to choose hiking snacks

Firstly, opt for snacks that are energy-dense, such as bananas and oat bars, as they provide long-lasting and steady energy, helping to prevent physical exhaustion. Additionally, combining these foods with protein and fats can help balance blood sugar levels and prolong the feeling of fullness. Different flavors, colors, and textures not only provide richer nutrition but also make snacks more varied and enjoyable.

Secondly, to add variety and nutritional value, you can try pairing bananas with almonds or apples with nut butter. Mixing dried fruits with cheese can also enhance the flavor. For those with special dietary needs, roasted chickpeas paired with dark chocolate or seed bars combined with dried fruit can be great options.

Portability and Packaging :

Choose lightweight, easy-to-carry snacks that are simple to open and reseal. Avoid heavy foods that require extensive preparation. Minimize individual packaging to reduce waste and reuse packaging materials, like old bread bags or plastic bags, to lighten your load and stay environmentally friendly.

Freshness and Frequency :

Select snacks that can stay fresh for a few days without refrigeration. Generally, eating a little snack every one to two hours can help you maintain a steady energy level.

Long-Distance Hiking Recommendations :

For long-distance hikes, such as the Tour du Mont Blanc, it is particularly important to carry high energy-dense snacks. As the journey progresses, you may need more food than initially anticipated because several days of continuous hiking will gradually deplete your stored energy. Therefore, it is advisable to bring more food than expected and prepare some high-energy emergency snacks, such as energy bars or nougat, to address potential energy shortfalls.

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