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Food | Diots de Savoie, a must-try on the Tour du Mont Blanc

The Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) is not only a mecca for hiking enthusiasts the world over, it has also been recognized by National Geographic as one of the world's top 20 dream hiking routes. The 160-kilometer circuit revolves around the majestic Mont Blanc, with the magnificence and wildness of nature at every step. Chamonix, the town that marks the start of the route, is not only the ideal base camp for hikers, it's also the perfect place to discover the cuisine of the Savoie region.

Today, we're going to introduce you to a Savoyard specialty: Diots de Savoie, a richly flavored sausage that's a gourmet's delight. Whether it's a light meal on a hike or a refined dinner in a refuge, Diots de Savoie will give your trip an authentic Savoyard flavor.


Savoyard diots are traditional sausages full of flavour, deeply rooted in the culinary traditions of Savoie, a region of the French Alps known for its majestic mountains and rich culinary traditions". The name 'Diots' comes from the Savoyard dialect meaning 'sausages'. Traditionally, small Savoyard sausages are made to be preserved over the long winter months, using smoking and drying methods that preserve the sausage and add flavour.

Savoyard small sausages have been made for centuries and originate from isolated communities in the Alps. In these areas, food self-sufficiency is vital. Savoyard farmers use all parts of the pig to make a variety of pork products, including Savoy sausages. To enhance the meat's original flavour, they also add spices such as pepper and nutmeg.


Over time, the Savoyard sausage has evolved from a simple survival necessity to a dish renowned for its flavour and versatility. In Savoyard cuisine, the Savoy sausage has become synonymous with joy and festivity, and is often the centrepiece of family gatherings and village celebrations. This sausage, once a peasant staple, can now be savoured in local restaurants and at gastronomic events, testifying to its rising prestige and its fusion with modern regional cuisine.

Specialty Dishes

Diots au vin blanc

A Savoyard classic, sausage stew in white wine showcases the extraordinary flavour of simple ingredients. Sautéed in olive oil or butter, the Savoy sausages are browned and flavoured, then slow-cooked with onions and white wine for 30 minutes at a low temperature. Often served with sautéed or mashed potatoes, or as a side dish with roasted vegetables or pasta, this is a classic dish that combines flavour and tradition.

Potée Savoyarde

Potée Savoyarde is a traditional winter dish of French origin, popular for its comforting and nutritious qualities. It is a dish that combines the richness of small Savoyard sausages and vegetables, and is often served with bread and mustard sauce for an unforgettable flavour. The flavours vary from region to region, but common staples include potatoes, sausages and grated cheese, ensuring that every bite is packed with authentic French rustic flavours.

Choucroute garnie aux diots de Savoie

Symbolising traditional Alsatian cuisine, this meat and sauerkraut dish combines the richness and satisfaction of fermented sauerkraut as the main ingredient with a variety of meats such as pork shoulder and Strasbourg sausages. The use of local Savoyard sausages gives this dish a regional flavour and makes it a must-try, simple and tasty meat dish.

Whether it's conquering the mighty Mont Blanc or traversing a picturesque hiking trail, every step of the journey is unforgettable. And in the small town of Chamonix, you can not only experience the natural splendour of the Mont Blanc circuit, but also savour the rich gastronomic culture of the Savoie region. The Savoyard sausage, with its rich flavour and traditional preparation, is a must-see speciality. From Savoy sausage stewed in white Portuguese to Savoy stew and Savoy sausage with sauerkraut, each dish conveys the unique charm of Savoy.

When you return to your mountain hut in Chamonix at the end of a day's hiking and savour an authentic Savoyard sausage, you'll find that it's not just a meal, but a tribute to the land and its history. The Savoyard sausage adds a special warmth and satisfaction to the journey where nature meets humanity and completes the Tour du Mont Blanc. Whether you are a hiking enthusiast or a gastronomic explorer, this is a place you won't forget.

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